Stepping Out in Faith: How to Act on Godā€™s Call Without Fear christianity discernment dreams goals massive action personal development Apr 12, 2024

As Christians, we sometimes find ourselves stuck in a cycle of inaction, using "discernment" as a shield against making decisions. It's easy to fall into a pattern where we use faith as a crutch, paralyzed by the fear of judgment, failure, or...

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Main Character Energy: Embracing the Mess for Heroic Business Success imperfection main character energy messy steps personal development Mar 07, 2024

My journey into public speaking began on a stage before 2000 women, far from the comfort zone of an inexperienced speaker like me. But I had a mission and a message. And either naively or courageously enough, that’s all that was...

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Why Christian Personal Development Surpasses Universal Appeal christianity personal development Feb 28, 2024

How many times have you gotten the ick from hearing someone credit the universe or their mantra for their monumental personal growth?

Look, I don’t want to ruffle any feathers, but as a Christian, I gotta think that the CREATOR of the...

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